Sunday, January 14, 2007

Vision Stoppers

Acts 2:17

Proverbs 29:18b

Job 33:14-18

Last week we looked at the six keys to finding our vision (Focused, Faithful, Fruitful, being willing to Fight, Friendly, and having Favor). Yet if vision is so vital, why don’t we already have vision and what is keeping us from fulfilling the vision we already do have? I want to look with you at seven things that will stop the vision of God.

  1. Prayerlessness. There are few things Christians talk about more and do less than praying. Dr. Cho, who pastors the largest church in the world today was asked how his church grew so large. His answer was as profound as it was simple: I pray, then I obey. Billy Graham said, “Nothing happens without prayer.” You see, as the Body of Christ, prayer is our power source. Without prayer, we lack the power to see the vision become more than just a fond dream.

  1. Our Stubbornness and unwillingness to change. In most churches, change is a dirty word. But, if we are growing with Christ, we must change. Growth means change. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll only have what you already have. (and in all reality, you’ll have a little less, because that is the nature of time). Like riding a bicycle up hill. When you stop peddling, you don’t stand still.

  1. Sin. Sin separates us from God. (raised fist and a blow to the face of God) James 4:17 Sin is when you know to do something and you don’t (sin of omission) and Romans 14:23b whatever isn’t of faith is sin.
  1. Religion. Religion is defined as a search for truth. Christianity is not a religion (a search for truth), but a relationship with the one who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Another definition of religion is man’s efforts to please God. Man-made rules often stop the movement of God. We try to put God in a box, but he’ll go elsewhere before he conforms to our way. Are our traditions and rules more important than God’s will for us?
  1. The Church becomes crancktified instead of sanctified. Yes that's a word; I just made it up. Sanctification is that process of growth that God works within us throughout our entire lives. The problem comes when we feel we’ve reached our full potential or when we refuse to let go of an offense. When this happens, we our own disobedience makes us hypersensitive to the sin in others. Instead of loving one another, we become quick to accuse, belittle, and judge one another. We become more interested in fighting one another than in fighting Satan. The good news is that even if we find ourselves in this state, all we have to do is realize our need for Christ and he will begin to soften our hearts and continue the work of sanctification in us. All we have to do is be willing to forgive.
  1. Refuse to leave the old things behind. (Not saying throw away our history) This happens in two ways. First, there are some that allow the past to become an idol. They worship the way things were instead of serving God here and now. Others allow the past to become an anchor. The bad in their past holds them back and keeps them from reaching their full potential for God. It’s sad to think that some folks allow the past to keep them from being part of the vision God has for the future. Don’t let Satan bring up things that are under the blood. He has no right to them. (and if they aren’t under the blood, confess them and get them there)
  1. Walking in fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. And the most often seen type of fear in relation to God’s vision is the fear of failure. We said last week faith was in two places: It is in your heart (your thoughts), and it is in your mouth (what you say). You see if we walk in fear, we stop when we reach the border of what we know. Fear holds us to what we know. But walking by faith allows us to step over the old boundaries and cross borders. There’s this book I read the other day that said we need to walk by faith and not by sight (that which we already know).

What happened when the church in Acts caught hold of this vision (Acts 2.41,46-7)

Church, as God begins to show us the dreams and vision that he has for us, I pray that you would examine your own life. Are there things there that will stop the vision of God? If so, will you come and let God help you overcome them?

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