Saturday, September 30, 2006

One foot in, one foot out

This past week has been an emotional roller coaster for my family and myself. Sunday the 24th, our move was announced to the two congregations. The shock, disbelief, and deep sadness that was expressed seemed to be overwhelming. At one church, my four-year old daughter leaned over to my wife and said, “Mommy, why aren’t they happy for us?”

This next month will likely be one of my most trying in ministry, as my family and I balance between old and new, that which is coming to an end and that which is about to begin. The process is not made any easier by the normal weekly grind, the pre-charge conference meetings, or the concerns of packing for the move.

I received an informational packet from my new SPRC chairperson, which I would really like to look over in greater detail. However, I have not yet let myself focus too much on the future until I have dealt with the “here-and-now.”

On one hand, I want to be learning more about where we are going. On the other hand, I am torn by having to leave the area and people that we have served over the past several years. This tearing away is made all the more difficult by the fact that the people here have made us feel like family.

It’s hard to be a “lame duck” pastor, but there’s also something empowering about it. The people know I won’t be here in a few weeks, but I feel freer than ever before to preach the Word without compromise, to speak boldly that which they most need to hear.

So here I am, with one foot in, one foot out. I hope to take some time the last week and really focus forward. Until then I am just plugging away in the midst of the growing stacks of cardboard, looking forward to the change to come.

(My thanks to Pastor Dave for this post's title. As I thought about your blog, it just seemed appropriate!)

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