Friday, June 01, 2007

June Newsletter

With Memorial Day come and gone, the summer is fully upon us. With it comes a whole host of busyness, ministry, and life. Annual Conference will soon be here, followed by homecoming, VBS, and fair week. Add to this the family vacations, reunions, conditioning for fall sports, and a host of other activities, and our summers are already full to the point of bursting.

For Michelle and I, the activities of summer include several of our close friends who are moving. As we gather boxes to send to them, we are also rejoicing that we are not moving. We are truly looking forward to another year full of ministry with all of you.

In the midst of the comings and goings this summer, take time to find periods of Sabbath rest, both physical and mental, as well as spiritual. Here are just a few ways you can do that:

1. When on vacation, find a church to worship with. It can be a great opportunity to worship with other believers and to experience how others worship.

2. Take a few hours to slow down and enjoy yourself. Take a nap, read a book, sit outside and just watch the world go by.

3. Spend some quality time with your family. Kids and grandkids grow up so fast. Find an activity that you can all do together.

Remember, in whatever you do this summer, that you witness to others through your actions as much as by your words. May God give you the opportunity this summer to share His love with others; may He grant you a blessed, safe, and fulfilling summer.

- Pastor Tom

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